Blue Regatta Glasscape Lighting Sculpture

Blue Regatta Glasscape Lighting Sculpture

The Blue Regatta glasscape is a unique lighting sculpture formed by a combination of hand-shaped, kiln-fired art glass panels arranged in individual grooves of the hardwood base. The artist creates a calculated effect of light reflection on the the dolphin's flanks that resembles the sheen of water.
  • Nautical-themed design
  • Kiln-fired glass panels, hardwood base
  • Illuminated by a light installed in the back of the base
  • Handcrafted in the USA

The Blue Regatta glasscape is a unique lighting sculpture formed by a combination of hand-shaped, kiln-fired art glass panels arranged in individual grooves of the hardwood base. The artist creates a calculated effect of light reflection on the the dolphin's flanks that resembles the sheen of water.

Like all glasscapes, this lighting sculpture is illuminated day or night by a light recessed into the back of the hardwood base, reflecting off the wall behind.

** Please note that the price listed pertains to a fixture that will appear very similar to the light shown in the featured photograph and as outlined in the accompanying description. Please call for details.

43" wide x 14" high x 8" deep

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